MBAs need a fresh set of skills for the 21st century
Originally written by Kendall Roth, and published on Financial…

The B-School Class of 2015: By The Numbers
Originally written by John A. Byrne*
A portrait of the…

How to apply for an MBA programme: From the Financial Times blog
Artigo interessante de John Casey, do Financial Times, sobre…

10 passos para aceitação em escolas TOP, & a importância do autoconhecimento
Vídeo interessante, demonstrando um processo bem estruturado…

Cultural Disharmony Undermines Workplace Creativity
Managing cultural friction not only creates a more harmonious…

From London Business School: Jimmy Maymann, CEO of The Huffington Post
Jimmy Maymann is the Danish CEO of The Huffington Post. He has…

Why Social Business Initiatives Fail
Deeper analysis of the 2013 Global Executive Study and Research…

Why Do Some Ideas Spread?
Can any message be shaped to spread? A Stanford scholar offers…