The goal of the ESADE Business School is “to adopt a humanistic approach in the training of critical professionals capable of coping with changing times.” It seeks to “promote respect for individual dignity, pluralism and human rights…by focusing on rigor and excellence, with a clear and international profile but also deeply rooted with and committed to the community and concerned with environmental degradation and climate change.”
ESADE offers two full-time MBA degrees: a standard 18-month program and an accelerated one-year degree. While American students may not be as familiar with European programs, ESADE is consistently ranked among the best business schools in the world. The Wall Street Journal ranked it as the best international business school in 2006 and BusinessWeek ranked it as the 7th best business school outside North America in the same year.
Because many graduates end up having job-related business in a variety of countries, the school emphasizes strong managerial skills with a clearly international outlook. Students will learn best international practices and interact deeply with a diverse set of peers. Knowledge of Spanish is not initially required to enter the program, but students will quickly become immersed in the language. In the first two terms, students will have the choice of choosing between and English and a Spanish track, and by the third term it is hoped that students can take electives in either language.
ESADE sees itself like the city of Barcelona “creative, dynamic and strategically placed”. The program is guided by a strong set of ethics, guided by an openness resulting from its international mélange. This atmosphere creates an exchange of personal and professional experiences that forms the foundation of the program. Interconnectedness is a large part of the experience, and the small student body makes for an intimate experience.